You were perfectly planned in our life. We didn't struggle to conceive and after your dad adjusted to the fact that he was going to be a father, we loved each day of my pregnancy. The day you were born opened my eyes to the reality (and pain) of labor and childbirth - and the perfect joy that results. After 14 hours of labor and 30 minutes of pushing, you joined our family, weighing in at 7 pounds 14 ounces. That experience alone opened my eyes to the courage I would need to be a mother.
Your early years tagged you as our guinea pig. You are still our parenting experiment and we learn a lot from you of what works and what doesn't. After I found out I was pregnant with Sauce, I remember asking my mom how I could ever love another child as much as I love you. My mom quickly came back with the wise answer, "Laurie, I remember feeling like that when I was pregnant with you, and it is a total miracle - your love just doubles." How true, because the arrival of each of your three brothers has not lessened the love we have for you.
As you've grown, we have realized that you are inventive, inquisitive and independent. You work so hard to figure out how things work, how you can get things to work your way and how to do things on your own. At seven years old, we are praying that God will help us harness those qualities for good. I call you my little dumpster diver because you spent all last summer pulling things out of the recycling bin and scotch taping them together as an "invention." Luckily, this year I have found that K'Nex toys can quench that thirst for inventing. Passion is not far down on your list of qualities. When you get something in your head, your whole heart is in it. I pray that you will seek God's direction for passion in your life and that you will allow Him to use that for His glory.
Now that you are the leader of our troop, you have the heavy responsibility to be an example to them. They all look to you for guidance and comfort and you four are best friends already. I am so proud of you and your generous and loving heart toward others. You are always the first to be a kind friend to someone on your sports teams or at church. Speaking of sports, you love all the sports you try - swimming, t-ball, soccer and hunting, but you have become quite the skiier this year. Your dad and I took you in Jupiter bowl last week and the only way down is double black diamonds - you hammered it! I was so proud of you and realized that I need some lessons next year if I am going to keep up with you.
We love you Hunter and are excited to see the man you grow into - just don't do it too quickly!!
Here is a little glimpse of your life so far.

Made us cry! Give that birthday boy and his brothers a big tackle hug from us.