The other night we had our friends Todd and Kate Fischer over for a game night. We had lots of fun and laughs and when they left, we went to check on the boys, who we had put to bed in their own beds hours before. This is what we found: As I've commented before, I often get comments from people like, "Are you going to keep trying for a girl?" Sometimes I've become frustrated with that because we don't feel like we've failed by having four boys! Moments like these remind me that they were perfectly planned by a perfect planner and creator. They will always have each other - a shoulder to lean on, a brother to call on (or three :-)).
We've had a couple of busy weeks around here, but I've had in mind that I wanted to share a couple of pictures of how we spend our Sunday afternoons. Since we leave the house by 8:15ish for church, when we come home, we eat some lunch and park our behinds on the couches in the living room to watch Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, or if my beloved is lucky, a hunting show on the outdoor channel. Kenyon tries his hardest to coax the boys to snuggle with him and drift off to sleep. This particular weekend, he won! One of the boys is not partial to snuggling, can you tell who?
Messy and wonderful perfectly describes my life as a wife and mom of five. I'm passionate about advocating for orphans by telling their stories and encouraging adoption and orphan care. My schedule is messy and wonderful as I am charged with four sons and one daughter. We love living in our little mountain ski town. We do a little camping, a little skiing, a little hunting, and a lot of laughing and loving. Life is dirty and loud around here but we wouldn't want it any other way. Okay, maybe a little less dirty!